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China’s Longevity Levels from the Perspective of Centenarians
Du Peng, Wu Cilin
Population Research    2024, 48 (3): 3-19.  
Abstract56)            Save
When discussing longevity levels, the centenarian population representing an extremely significant group is often overlooked. Based on data from the Seventh National Population Census, China surpassed the United States and had the largest number of centenarians in the world in 2020. China’s proportion of centenarians was also higher than the global average, becoming a country with a huge longevity population. However, there remains a gap compared to developed regions, and further progress is needed to become a leading country in longevity. In China, the eastern regions have the highest number and proportion of centenarians. Urban centenarians outnumber their rural counterparts, and about 70.4% of centenarians are female. The number and proportion of centenarians have increased across different ethnic groups, though disparities exist. To transition from a country with a huge longevity population to a leading country in longevity, China should rely on high-quality development led by the Chinese Path to Modernization. The government should implement comprehensive policies integrating political guidance, economic development, social security, cultural and spiritual life, and environmental protection to promote the development of longevity.
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Can Internet Use Promote the Social Adaptation Level of Older Adults? An Analysis Based on the Perspective of Different Usages
Du Peng, Luo Yesheng
Population Research    2023, 47 (6): 3-20.  
Abstract682)      PDF (1325KB)(155)       Save
There are distinct internal differences in the use of internet among older adults, and different ways of using internet can also have different impacts on them. From a typological perspective, using data from the 2020 China Longitudinal Aging Social Survey (CLASS), this study analyzes the heterogeneous impact of different types of internet usage among Chinese older adults on their social adaptation level. It is found that using internet can significantly promote the social adaptation level of older adults, but the degree of promotion depends on the type of internet usage. The comprehensive type benefits the most from Internet use, while the social-news type benefits the least. However, the difference among the social-news type, social type, and social-entertainment type is not significant. Among the older adults who access internet, there is a “J-shaped” connection between the hierarchy of internet usage and the social adaptation level of older adults. In addition, older adults with higher level of education benefit more from using Internet. To strengthen the construction of a digitally inclusive ageing society, this study suggests that precise measures should be taken to cope with the differences in internet usage among older adults, strengthen cyberspace governance, and improve the digital and information literacy of older adults.
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Re-examining the Old-age Dependency Ratio and Ageing Population in China
Dai Zhixin, Du Peng, Dong Junhan
Population Research    2023, 47 (3): 94-107.  
Abstract657)      PDF (10645KB)(248)       Save
Using data from the 7th National Census of China and the United Nations' “World Population Prospects 2022”, this study analyzes the trend of China's population ageing. The findings reveal that the Chinese population is ageing rapidly. The ageing process will accelerate in the future, moving towards moderate and severe ageing. Consequently, the burden of old-age care will continuously increase. Meanwhile, the health and educational levels of the older population will also improve. In the context of continuous improvement of population quality, we take health status and educational levels into account when estimating the old-age dependency ratio. By replacing the population count with the total human resources, the revised old-age dependency ratio is lower than the traditional one, and its rate of increase is slower. This implies that the burden of old-age care for the working-age population in the future may not grow as rapidly as previously expected. With socioeconomic development and medical and health conditions improvements, population ageing needs to be measured with more comprehensive and appropriate indicators. This will help clarify the process of population ageing in China and actively respond to population ageing.
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The Chinese Road of Actively Responding to Population Ageing
Du Peng
Population Research    2022, 46 (6): 17-22.  
Abstract598)      PDF (5755KB)(141)       Save
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Internet and Life of Older Adults: Challenges and Opportunities
Du Peng, Han Wenting
Population Research    2021, 45 (3): 3-16.  
Abstract888)      PDF (1044KB)(388)       Save
Based on the analysis of the Internet's impact on Chinese older adults' lives, this study discusses how to take advantage of Internet development to bring new opportunities to the national strategy of actively responding to population ageing and enriching the lives of older adults. This study finds that the proportion of Chinese older adults using the Internet is rapidly increasing. However, there are still difficulties in “digital inclusion”—gaps between older adults' ability to adapt to digital life and the speed at which Internet applications penetrate their daily lives. Fostering a digitally inclusive Internet environment and digital life for older adults requires peopleoriented thinking, promoting objective technologies, an inclusive social environment, and the initiative of the older adults. It is a joint effort of government guidance, market initiative, social interaction, family support, and the older adults' participation. The mutual promotion between the Internet and older adults' lives will bring digital dividends to older people.
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How Does Internet Use Affect Life Satisfaction of the Chinese Elderly?
Du Peng,Wang Bin
Population Research    2020, 44 (4): 3-17.  
Abstract693)      PDF (533KB)(578)       Save
Previous researches generally indicate that internet use has an important impact on life satisfaction of the elderly, but this is mostly limited to the discussion of direct impact and from a technical perspective, and ignores the role of the elderly and its influencing mechanism. Based on classical theories, this paper considers the role of the elderly and empirically studies the relationship between internet use and life satisfaction of the elderly people. The results show that under the current level of internet use of the elderly, internet use significantly improves the life satisfaction of the elderly. Community participation plays a mediating role in this process. The use of internet of the elderly Chinese may be a positive choice behavior, which can enhance the social capital of the elderly and improve their life satisfaction. In order to improve the elderlys quality of life in digital times, the society should establish a new concept of internet use for the elderly and improve their digital integration.
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Decline and Cohort Differences in Activities of Daily Living of the Chinese Oldest-old
Zhang Wenjuan, Marcus W. Feldman, Du Peng
Population Research    2019, 43 (3): 3-16.  
Abstract573)      PDF (1070KB)(404)       Save
Using the data of Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey (CLHLS), this study examines the decline process of Activities of Daily Living (ADL) among the Chinese oldest-old born in 1899-1908, 1909-1918 and 1919-1928 by hierarchical linear model (HLM) with mixed effects. This study aims to analyze the age effect, cohort effect, and internal heterogeneity in the process. Results show that there are both age effects and cohort effects in the process of ADL decline among the oldestold. Similar patterns of ADL decline have been found among the oldestold died at different ages. Compared to the chronological age, the remaining survival time before death has stronger predictive power on ADL changes. There are significant cohort differences in ADL changes among the oldest-old. Different socioeconomic statuses, health behaviors, childhood experiences and living environments affect ADL change trajectories among the oldestold, and also contribute to cohort differences.
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Behavioral Attitudes of the Elderly towards Social Care Services: The Case of Beijing
Wang Yongmei, Du Peng
Population Research    2018, 42 (6): 74-86.  
Abstract438)      PDF (1116KB)(244)       Save
The behavioral attitudes indicate a psychological tendency of an individual towards certain behaviors and can be used to predict actual behaviors. Under the theoretical framework of multi-dimensional human nature, this study examines how the behavioral attitudes of the aged determine their utilization of social care service by analyzing the data from six districts in Beijing. Behavioral attitudes of older persons towards social care service for the elderly consist of eight dimensions: the pursuit of an economical and practical life, the security of living and commuting, the ethic disorder of the elder care, the pressure of family care, the pursuit of spiritual effects, the identification of the elder care services, the trust on the services, and the effect of mental accounting. The low-income groups show the highest level of acceptance of social care services but also the lowest level of trust.Most of the elderly (i.e. those with secondary schooling) pay much attention to the spiritual effects of the services, while they are conservative about ethical culture of the elder care. The contingency of behavioral attitudes leads to the deviation between the utilization of services and the behavior intentions.
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Determinants of Utilization of Social Care Service for Older Persons in China
Du Peng,Wang Yongmei
Population Research    2017, 41 (3): 26-37.  
Abstract437)      PDF (263KB)(533)       Save
The supply-demand imbalance in social care service for older persons is attracting more and more attention in ageing studies. From the demand-side perspective,this paper discusses the regu- larity in the social care service utilization. Based on the multi-dimensional human nature hypothesis of “Biological Man-Economic Man-Social Man”,this paper examines influencing factors of utilization of social care service for older persons using data of China Longitudinal Aging Social Survey ( CLASS) in 2014 and multivariate linear regression model. The research finds that physiological,economic,and social properties of older persons have significant influence on the service utilization. The services tend to be mostly utilized by the intellectuals,the high-to-medium income group,and those with better social capital. There are salient differences in the influencing factors affecting the service utilization in urban and ru- ral areas. The service utilization in rural areas is mainly driven by physiological properties and that in ur- ban areas is determined by their economic and social properties.
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Cited: Baidu(1)
The Demands of Old-age Care and the Family and Social Resources for the Chinese Elderly: A Study Based on 2014 China Longitudinal Aging Social Survey#br#
Du Peng,Sun Juanjuan,Zhang Wenjuan,Wang Xuehui
Population Research    2016, 40 (6): 49-61.  
Abstract779)      PDF (204KB)(3687)       Save
Based on 2014 China Longitudinal Aging Social Survey,this paper explores the principal demands of old-age care for the Chinese elderly through analyzing their physical and mental health,economic status,social participation,and expectations for old-age support.This paper further examines old people’s family resources such as their family size,family structure,living arrangements,and children’s situations and their social resources such as social security,medical and health services,facilities,and social services.The results show that 47.53% of the Chinese older people are living in the empty- nest family.12.54% of the elderly need to be cared at different levels.Pension levels still vary considerably among different regions,although the economic independence of the elderly have been improved. Welfares such as the oldest-old allowance and preferential treatment for elderly have progressed remarkably.However,there are big differences between urban and rural areas in terms of the coverage of the old-age care institutions and facilities.
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The Status and Determinants of the Chinese Elderly’s Religious Belief
Du Peng, Wang Wulin
Population Research    2014, 38 (6): 64-75.  
Abstract1703)      PDF (118KB)(3123)       Save
Using the 2010 national survey data of Chinese Women's Social Status,this articale analyses the status and determinants of the religious belif of the eldelrly in China. Results shows that the female elderly have a higher odds on religious belief than the male elderly. Importantly,middle and old - ages are the crucial transitional periods of the elderly’s religious belief,because the elderly experience more changes on family and marital relationships and other challenges during this period. Further analysis indicates that the religious propensity of the elderly are significantly affected by gender, ethnicity,educational level and other socioeconomic factors. Policy implications are discussed focusing on improving social security and social services systems,and resonably guiding the elderly on religinous belief.
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Filial Piety of Children as Perceived by Aging Parents in China:Trends and Determinants
Du Peng, Qu Jiayao
Population Research    2013, 37 (5): 30-41.  
Abstract1674)      PDF (612KB)(2255)       Save
How do Chinese elderly perceive their children‘s filial piety in the context of rapidly ageing population and changing families in the first decade of 21st century? What are the factors affecting their perceptions? This paper aims to answer these questions by analyzing the data of China National Survey on Urban and Rural Elderly in 2000 and 2010 conducted by China Research Centre on Ageing. Results show that the proportion of the older people who perceive their children to be filial increased between 2000-2010. Similar trends are observed both over time and across cohort. The major determinants for the older parents perceiving their children's filial piety are children's filial behaviors and parents’ health status. Contrary to the traditional values such as "more children more happiness" and " raising children to protect against the old age",an important finding from this research is that the elderly people having daughters and fewer children give more positive perceptions on their children's filial piety.
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Cited: Baidu(5)
Demographic Impact on Income Inequality: Evidence from Shenzhen and Chongqing
Zhang Zongyi, Du Peng, Wang Feng
Population Research    2012, 36 (4): 78-90.  
Abstract3596)      PDF (206KB)(2842)       Save
Drawing upon data from a sample survey of urban residents conducted in July 2005 in Shenzhen and Chongqing,this paper examines and compares income distribution structure in the two cities.The technique of inequality decomposition by population subgroups has been used to study the effects of the Population Characteristics on income inequality.There is a much higher income inequality index in Shenzhen than in Chonqing,but personal identity characteristics,such as household registration and nationality,have less influence in Shenzhen than in Chongqing.The population′s industry and education compositions are the most important influencing factor of income distribution.Since employment industry and education level are closely related,improving financial input in education and balancing education resource distribution have important implications for preventing economic risk from income inequality in China.
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Cited: Baidu(3)
The Difference of Urban and Rural Ageing and Its Transition
Du Peng,Wang Wulin
Population Research    2010, 34 (2): 3-10.  
Abstract3015)      PDF (1229KB)(2109)       Save
In the process of population ageing in China,rural population has an increasingly higher proportion of elderly than the cities,it has been widely cited as one of the characteristics of population ageing in China.This paper compared China with other countries and reveals that the phenomenon of higher elderly proportion in rural population than the urban is universal in the world.The research finding shows that the urban-rural inversion of population ageing will not last for a long time.With the socioeconomic development,large-scale rural-urban migration and urbanization will approach to the end;the proportion of the urban elderly will eventually exceed that in the rural.During this process,the transition of urban-rural difference of population ageing will experience four phases.In the first phase,the rural population ageing is higher than the urban;the difference between urban-rural population ageing will be enlarged increasingly.The second phase is that the rural population ageing is higher than urban,but the gap will be narrowed.The third phase is that the urban population ageing will exceed the rural area,the proportion of the urban elderly will be higher than the rural.At the last phase,the difference will be narrowed and diminished in the end.The transition model of the urban-rural difference of population ageing implies that the challenges of urban population ageing will exceed rural aging in the near future.Nevertheless,China should give more priority to issues of rural ageing in the first half of this century.
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Regional Disparity in Changes of Healthy Life Expectancy of Chinese Elderly: Expansion or Compression?
Zhang Wenjuan, Du Peng
Population Research    2009, 33 (5): 68-76.  
Abstract2710)      PDF (4699KB)(1930)       Save
Using data form sampling survey of population in 1994 and 2004,this paper conducted the analysis on Activity of Daily Living of elderly population,as well as the trend of expansion in Healthy Life Expectancy of Chinese elderly with Sullivan method in east,middle and west China.The research results indicated that the ADL of the elderly in east China are higher than that of the elderly in middle and west regions,and the proportion of the elderly with ADL impairment in 2004 are higher than that in 1994.The results of comparison on the HLE of the elderly in 2004 and 1994 shows that the increasing speed of HLE are higher than that of LE in east older females,which matches the pattern of morbidity compression.However,the pattern of morbidity expansion can provide better description for the extending of HLE of older males in east areas as well as the elderly in middle and west China.
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Disability-free Life Expectancy of Chinese Elderly and its Change between 1994 and 2004
Du Peng, Li Qiang
Population Research    2006, 30 (5): 9-16.  
Abstract1874)      PDF (308KB)(1194)       Save
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Cited: Baidu(58)
Ability of Daily Life of the Chinese Elderly:Status and Changes
Du Peng, Wu Chao
Population Research    2006, 30 (1): 50-56.  
Abstract2603)      PDF (176KB)(3748)       Save
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Cited: Baidu(75)
Theories in Sociology of Aging: Current Situation and Policy Implications
Li Bing, Du Peng
Population Research    2005, 29 (5): 66-72.  
Abstract1200)      PDF (186KB)(1963)       Save
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Successful Ageing: A Case Study on Beijing Old Persons
Du Peng, Gary R. Andrews
Population Research    2003, 27 (3): 4-11.  
Abstract1063)      PDF (242KB)(1560)       Save
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